Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Nightmare On Elm Street Remake Review


First of all let me say I know that this movie has been out for a long while now but I just saw it and thought I should give my opinions on it. I remember seeing the first “A Nightmare On Elm Street when I was 6 or 7 years old.

I remember we were at a party, us kids where in the front room while the adults where out the back having a few drinks and getting drunk. We turned on the TV and they where playing the movie “A Nightmare On Elm Street” I remember being scared out of my brains but at the same time I couldn’t look away, I had nightmares that night but I was so fascinated with Freddy Kruger that I had to see more movies.

The original movie holds a place in my heart as being my very first introduction to the “horror” franchise. Now lets jump to 2010, When I heard there was going to be a remake of one of my favourite movies I was reluctant to go and see it. In fact I didn’t go and see it and the only reason I have seen it was because my mum brought be back the DVD from Bali.

Just as I suspected the movie doesn’t hold a bar to the original in anyway shape or form. If your expecting Robert Englund to reprise his role as the pizza faced serial killer then your in for a disappointment but to be honest its no surprise if you think about it.Englund is getting old and even he said it him self.

The New Freddy is played by Jackie Early Haley an actor I have never heard of before and to be honest at this point I’m not going to go do too much research on the guy, I’m sure his been in some good movies but this wasn’t one of them. One of Englund’s main advantages was his size, his persona, his voice and overall charisma he brought to the character of Kruger.

Haley lacks all of that and I know its not his fault because you can see his trying, you can see he is really trying to bring a new life to the character but it simply doesn’t work. I don’t blame him because its the overall direction of the movie that’s one big let down from start to finish.

The movie is cheap, every 10 minutes they try for a jump scare but fail, sure the Original had lots of jump scares but that was then and it worked back then, these days its just lazy. The Characters are completely unlikable, the actors give the most dull and bland performance I have ever seen it a movie for a long-time.

Overall this movie isn’t the worst ever made but it sure as hell isn't the best. If you haven’t seen it yet then I would tell you your not missing much, rent it but don’t rush out to buy the DVD or Blu-Ray